Hello Jochen, thank you for your support!
If I understand the connection topology correctly the distal compartment is connected to the proximal compartment which in turn is connected to the soma (d->p->s.) I am looking for a model with two separate dendritic compartments that are not interconnected yet both connect directly to the soma: branch1->soma<- branch2. Modelling the exact spatial relations, dimensions of compartments is not important to me.
Potentially NestML is an alternative here. I have read the NestML language documentation but am not sure whether there are limitations imposed on the model esp. the update block. There is mainly three things I need: 1) topology (b1->s<-b2) 2)passing membrane voltages from branches to soma 3)multiplicative aggregation at soma Soma is essentially only integrating membrane voltages from the compartments in a multiplicative manner, ie. concurrent spike arrival at both compartments evoke significantly higher depolarizations of the membrane potential at soma. The soma then fires when a certain threshold is reached. Can this be done with NestML?
Best, Benedikt