
My apologies for the confusing error message. It occurs because you have to explicitly tell NESTML which postsynaptic neuron type it is connected to in the simulation. You can see an example of that here: https://github.com/nest/nestml/blob/003d17a6425c3f8d88ed3aedd8d8e1d76245966e/tests/nest_tests/stdp_window_test.py#L58 The port is then assigned as "postsynaptic" and it is not considered for the error that you are seeing.

Please let me know if you run into any further trouble.

With kind regards,

On Thu, Jul 27, 2023, at 12:25, Stefan Dvoretskii wrote:

I am using an example synapse model which utilizes both post and pre spikes (nestml/models/synapses/stdp_nn_symm.nestml at master ยท nest/nestml (github.com)). 
I get an error: 
 File "/dss/dsshome1/00/ge72puf2/.conda/envs/nest/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pynestml/codegeneration/nest_code_generator.py", line 469, in _get_synapse_model_namespace
    assert len(namespace["pre_ports"]) <= 1, "Synapses only support one spiking input port"
AssertionError: Synapses only support one spiking input port

It is confusing: can I or can I not use a model with 2 synaptic inputs (post and pre)? Is that a version thing?

Best regards,
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